The Art of Not Trying #1

Welcome to The Art of Not Trying, where I showcase some of the outfits I’ve pulled together with almost zero effort and care.



Like in most things that I do in life, I do it last minute, and semi half-assed. This segment is dedicated to all the outfits that have done me justice in the past by successfully tricking others into thinking that I really tried to put in effort in the way I dressed, when in reality I would actually get ready 10 minutes before I had to head out.



Now some of you may be thinking that “pfft, this Aziza is such a poser. Obviously she tried, why else would she be putting it on the interweb?”.


Well to that, I say “you’re right“. But jokes on you buddy because I only semi-tried, I could do better. Hah


Enough with the chit-chat, let’s get down to the outfit.


Photo Courtesy: TheDalbunny

May my everlasting laziness bring you outfit ‘inspirations’ (or not).